NEwry, Ireland

Photography by Ann Bruen


We are both involved in a local charity called Caring Coins. Conor is a board member and Natalie is a very active committee member. The charity does some amazing good work ranging from the Christmas appeal to children and vulnerable adults groups, social inclusion groups and the charity café. However, we feel more called to be witnesses to the 2 amazing women that founded the charity. God has led us into each other’s lives and we firmly believe God is drawing them to Himself. Their charitable and kind hearts along with the guidance of His spirit will be a mighty force for loving change in our community.


This year we felt the focus shift. Our first years here were about building trust and credibility, which involved a lot of charitable and good works. But this year we felt God say it is time to take more care of the spiritual welfare than the physical; that our position in the community was set. We felt the green light shine for running an Alpha course, a 12 week introduction course to Jesus and Christianity. Much fruit is being bore from this and we feel it leading into preaching and teaching Gods word weekly when the course finishes and running multiple courses a year. Each Thursday night we meet in the office of a local casino with approximately 15-20 people, all whom we have been praying for, some of them the last 10 years.

Conor is also the chaplain of our local soccer team, since time is scarce these days he has been able to build a small chaplaincy team for this job to help share the load.


Our day to day lives have us woven into many different aspects of community life. Conor is face to face with people all day long in the gym, which has become much more than just physical training. Natalie’s role as an administrator allows her to not only support the families get connected with appropriate services, but also provide encouragement and rest for the greater team that is out delivering services. We also ensure to make time for our circle of friends, that we are loving on them, spending time with them, and also allowing them to return that to us.

Conor & Natalie McAleavey

Crosspoint Church in Newry, Church Planters

We are Conor and Natalie McAleavey. We live in Newry, Northern Ireland just a few miles from the border with the Republic of Ireland.

We settled in this area in 2020 after living in the states for 4 years. We have always felt called to disciple people in this area, where Conor is from. Whilst living in Lynchburg, we became members of Crosspoint Church. With the guidance of God and the wisdom of the church leadership, we decided to embark on the ordination process with the Wesleyan Church. We are also GEM appointed missionaries since moving over and are greatly appreciative of their support.

We have spent are first years back here building relationships and credibility in our community. Both of us work locally, Conor is a Physiotherapist and Personal Trainer at one of the biggest gyms in the area and Natalie works for a community organization that supports children under the age of four, and their families, get ‘the best start in life’ with services that range from antenatal classes to mother and toddler groups.
When we are not working, we love to go out and socialize with our girls through sport, playdates, and food.

Currently, we are hosting an Alpha Course (sort of like an introduction to Christianity) in a local casino and discipling the attendants throughout the week in God’s ways and the word. We also follow along with and teach on the current sermon series that Crosspoint Lynchburg is on.

The Spirit of the Lord is moving in Ireland. We see the fruit every single day we are here, He is flowing like fresh waters in the wilderness. A new move of God is happening here. Please pray for Newry and the island of Ireland, and please pray for us that we may remain humble and faithful. We pray that His glory shines on us and our community.

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