Join us this sunday at: 150 Alum springs road, lynchburg, va 24502
SERvice times: Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00 am
We're all about JESUS, making discipleS, and furthering his Kingdom
Our mission is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Connecting people emphasizes that every first-time guest can easily discover how to plug into this community and further their walk with Jesus. We believe this connection point to be essential in the life of a believer as they grow in following Jesus.
We develop disciples through large gatherings of corporate worship each weekend, small groups where an atmosphere for connection and forming deeper relationships are curated, and through discipleship bands where 3-5 people commit to walk as Jesus walked together in frequent meetings and discussions.
We aim to be a church that equips and empowers disciples to live as everyday missionaries wherever they live, work, and play. Deploy Crosspoint does this through learning cohorts and residencies that help disciples discover their calling, live out the gospel, and prepares them to multiply in any environment.
there is a place for everyone here
Whether you are single, married, parents of kids, kids of parents...there is room for you here!
Need Prayer?
At Crosspoint, we value praying for one another.
We frequently receive requests from our community that our Prayer Team and staff pray over. If you are in need of any prayer, please don't hesitate to reach out.
We frequently receive requests from our community that our Prayer Team and staff pray over. If you are in need of any prayer, please don't hesitate to reach out.