
Stay up to date with monthly events here!

Family Worship Sunday

On Sunday, March 30th, Crosspoint is hosting it's first Family Worship Sunday at both the 9am and 11am services. While CP Kids will be operational for ages 0-3 only, we will be inviting children ages 4 years old through 5th grade to join us in the sanctuary for the entire service. The hope is to create an intergenerational worship experience that intentionally involves children and families to grow and worship the Lord together.

Women's Gathering

 Each month we will celebrate the unity of the body of Christ with women from the various churches in our community. We want to invite you to join us as we dive into the topic, Fighting for Unity with the Armor of God. Each month will include Bible teaching, testimonies, and worship.

April 5 - Sword of the Spirit
May 3 - Prayer

Easter in 5 letters

 Easter in 5 Letters is a family event on Saturday, April 12th from 4pm-6pm at the church. This is a self guided event walking families through the experiences of Jesus during Holy Week. This event is slow and sacred, but also multi-sensory and interactive. Ride into Jerusalem with Jesus and wave your palm branches, wash the feet of a person in your family at the last supper, pray in the garden of gethsemane, stand at the foot of the cross and celebrate the resurrection! This event is best suited for children 4 years and up, but the whole family is welcome. Registering for the event is required.

seder dinner

Join us on the evening of April 19th for our annual Seder Dinner where we walk through the story of the passover together.

Please sign up to come below. 

POPcorn on the lawn

Students! We want to give a special thank you for all your service this year.

Join us on the front lawn in between services on April 27th for a special treat!

Monthly Prayer Gathering

On the last Tuesday of each month, we gather as a congregation to pray for one another's needs and worship the Lord. Please join us this month on April 29th from 6:30 -7:30 PM!

Childcare is provided but please register by the Monday before. This month that is Monday, April 28th!

CP Women: Bible Studies 

Challenge the way you read the accounts of Jesus through teaching videos that take you to locations in Israel like Bethlehem, Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to Emmaus.

Dates + Times: Monday night Bible study begins again on January 27th and Friday mornings begin on January 31st.

 Jan 27th - Apr 4th, 2025
Mondays at 6:30 PM and Fridays at 9:30 AM.

Men's Ministry

Crosspoint is offering men various upcoming opportunities to connect in community through groups, bands, and one-on-ones designed to help men reflect honestly, pursue God wholeheartedly, and live life well. Click the link below to read more on each opportunity!

Monthly newsletter

 In an effort to help simplify communication, we created the monthly newsletter to be delivered directly to your inbox.

Within the letter you will find updates on the current sermon series, events happening throughout each month, and building progress! Subscribers will have the option to download the monthly calendar at the end of each email to print out and put in their home if they wish. Please subscribe through the link below!