JOIN THE journey
Deploy Crosspoint is a learning community that equips ordinary disciples to become disciple makers. Accepted applicants join a 1-year cohort that provides in-depth discovery and experiences that will develop and equip them to live deployed as everyday missionaries wherever they live, work, and play.
Cohorts run from February through November each year in a Spring, Summer, and Fall semester format that lasts 8-9 weeks each. The first year cohort are for all participants seeking to live deployed as everyday disciple makers, and is a prerequisite for residency. Participants focus on three foundational areas:
Discover the unique calling God has created you for and how it intersects God’s mission to make disciples. (Spring Semester)
Build the foundation by becoming fluent in your understanding and ability to speak gospel truth into the everyday stuff of life. (Summer Semester)
Learn the principles and engage the rhythms of real-time disciple making that will prepare you to multiply in any environment. (Fall Semester)
Church planting is a part of our heritage.
Our ultimate goal is to make more disciples of Jesus Christ, whether that is through ministries hosted at the church, partnering with people for missions, or planting churches. Crosspoint was planted out of a revival in 1929 and has been faithful to make disciples within the Lynchburg community since. The first church we helped plant was Brookhill Church in 1988. Within the past seven years, we have helped plant both the Downtown and Altavista churches! If you are called to church plant, consider applying to our one year residency program!

For participants who have completed the first-year cohort, and are seeking deployment in vocational ministry or global missions, they can apply for an internship or residency.
Those who are called to church planting will be immersed in a 1-year residency, in partnership with the Church Multiplication Collective, where they are assessed, trained, and prepared to launch a new church.
Those who are called to vocational ministry will gain experience in the day-to-day life, responsibilities, and tasks of pastoral ministry through a 1-year residency.
Those who are called to full-time work on the mission field will participate in a 2-4 month cross-cultural internship through Global Partners NEXT. In addition, they will work to develop the pre-launch plan and skills needed for long-term missions, with the goal of being commissioned and deployed from Crosspoint.
I believe the Lord has revealed to me some key insights about who I am & how I operate best. I’m looking forward to discovering more about His character & how He’s shaping my life to look like Him, too. Deploy Crosspoint is a rich, shared experience with like-minded, intentional believers where I had the opportunity to grow, share, & be challenged in community. I feel I have grown personally & learned practical & enduring disciple-making principles. You get out of it what you put into it, and I’m looking forward to putting more into the content even after the everyday missionary track has wrapped up.
- Josiah Bardy (Deploy Graduate 2022)
I would recommend Deploy to others because the Holy Spirit has used it to completely change my life. While the circumstances of my life look exactly the same, my perspective is totally different. Before I was feeling guilt for not having many opportunities to share the gospel, and now, I see them ALL AROUND ME! Not only do I recognize them, but I feel more equipped and confident to lean into them. To be very honest, I am no longer ashamed of the gospel. I am becoming more brave in sharing Jesus in action and word, and when I don't feel I do something exactly the right way, I no longer fixate on it anxiously. I now understand that it is okay to talk to God about it and let Him guide me. I understand what it means now for God to be for me. He isn't asking me to be perfect. He is simply asking for me to be His friend and rely on His ways and not my own. This is worth everything!
- Lindsay Runda (Deploy Graduate 2022)
Deploy helped re-frame my perspective on what it means to get involved in community, in my church, my friends group, my personal relationships, how I'm developing as a father, and especially how I interact with strangers. Deploy has helped me consider the scope and magnitude of how much I've changed as a result of pursuing Christ. It helped me realize just how dramatically God has molded my life.
- Kevin Whittman (Deploy Graduate 2022)

Deploy Crosspoint began with a vision for the church to not merely be a gathering place, but a launch pad from which to equip and send disciples on mission. On a typical weekend, Crosspoint welcomes nearly a thousand worshipers, of which 600 are college students. The Lord keeps entrusting us with hundreds of people who have plans to leave Lynchburg to pursue their dreams. God’s dream for us is to help develop and equip those people to be disciple makers and deploy them with a Kingdom-calling and purpose to reach our nation and world.
If you are interested in joining a cohort, please contact Pastor Glen here.
If you are interested in joining a cohort, please contact Pastor Glen here.